First on a private note!
... Just got back from a couple of weeks in Thailand, during which Jenny and I got married. It was a fantastic ceremony, and we had the good fortune of having everything go exactly the way it was planned. We were kind of expecting that something would go wrong, or at least not as we planned, since this is Thailand, and past experiences have shown that just about everything can turn into a complete disaster:-) It did not! We had a fantastic day and some lifelong memories to show for it.. I feel blessed!
Onto the inevidable CrossFit part of the blogg!
Like most of you know I have been haunted by injuries lately. Just when one thing got better, another would come out of nowhere and send me back to square one. Just before we went to Thailand the status was:
1 torn knee ligament
1dislocated hip
1 broken wrist
Needless to say this forced me to modify virtually every single WOD I did, with some pretty sad results to show for my efforts. So I decided to take it easy in Thailand and just let it all rest. This does not mean that I did'nt train- it just meant that I took it easy, and did some bw WOD's instead of following the HQ WOD's.
The result came immediately when the diferent pains eased, and I felt my mobility increase almost on a daily basis. So I was pretty excited to see how it would all feel when I got back home and got back into following the HQ WOD's, and so far it has felt really good.
Yesterday I did:
Thrusters 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1
I got to 80kg without feeling any pain! Not a mind blowing result, but the point is that nothing hurt!
Today I did "Elizabeth"
I did the workout in something like 15min with 135 lbs. Once again not something that would put me in contention for the fittest man alive, but no pain!
I am super happy that nothing was hurting after the WOD's and it feels like the future could be bright:-) I have decided to take it super easy the next week or so before I begin adding more intensity to the WOD's, hoping that this will be the way to get better without tearing up any of the old injuries, or acquiring new ones...
For now that is all, but I a planning on keeping the blog alove again, and letting you all know how it goes. I'll be going to Santa Cruz the first week in march to train with some of the most inspirational and fantastic people in the CrossFit community, so I would really like to stay in one piece until then- who knows maybe even be in shape? We will just have to see what the future brings:-)
Much love