Sunday, December 7, 2008

days 12-13-14...

As follows:-)

Day 12
"Olympic Total"
1 rep max snatch
1 rep max clean and jerk
Then 30 seconds on, 30 seconds rest, 6 rounds for total metres.


Day 13
Push Press 3-3-3-3-3
Then in 5 mins;Run 200m and in the remaining time do as many 95lb thrusters as you can.
Rest 2 mins
Then in 5 mins;Run 200m and in the remaining time do as many pull ups as you can.


Day 14
Front squat 10x3 reps
Do across at 90% of 3RM.

Much joy

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

days 8-9-10.. Karl says hi:-)

Day 8

500m row
25 ring dips
500m row
20 ring dips
500m row
15 ring dips
500m row
10 ring dips
500m row
5 ring dips

Day 9

Build up to the heaviest unbroken lift through the complex;
3 deadlift
3 hang squat clean
3 push press
3 front squat

Day 10

3 rounds of;
Run 400m
21 pull ups
12 kbell swings

Once again this just goes to show that if you are in the market for some fantastic training, but don't feel like spendign half your future heritage on airfare, all you have to do is rally on over to CrossFit Manchester....
While you are there make a point of staying at the most glamorous hotel in town.... Which one could that be?

Much love