Monday, May 17, 2010

Regionals and Power Walks?

So a little more than a week has passed since the European Regional Qualifier in Halmstad, and I feel like it is time to give props to the ones who truly deserve it, and to share some thoughts about the event! I am aware that this may sound like the Oscars but please take a second to read about the reasons why this all went as smoothly as it did, and give props to the people who made i possible!

It is also time to give air to another one of these crazy rants that have become the signature mark for blog.-)

Props first!

I would like to thank Eleiko for letting us use their facility, and their equipment for the event. It is a blessing to be able to provide the absolute best equipment in the world, to the athletes who compete in an event that will eventually send the top european athletes to what is essentially the Crossfit World Championships. Eleiko were kind enough to let us man-handle their equipment in ways I am not entirely sure they thought possible, at the same time as they made us all feel at home at the Eleiko Sport Center! I hope Eleiko were as pleased to have us there as we were to be there, and I hope that the future will hold a close friendship between CrossFit and Eleiko.

It is not often that I have had the pleassure of meeting as many fantastic athletes as I did during the weekend in Halmstad! There was a possitive air about every single athlete that I met during the weekend, that I dont think I have ever encountered outside the CrossFit community! Everyone gave their absolute best at every single challenge, and once they had finished their challenge, they immidiately began cheering for the other athletes, making sure that everyone felt equally important, and that no effort was ignored, or concieved as less important! Those of you who saw the place go crazy when Erla fought it out on the last challenge, or when Jane struggled with the double unders, or when Sam busted out the clean and jerks, or when Blair stepped on the gas in the 3rd challenge, the list goes on- but those of you who saw that know exactly what I mean! Every single athlete gave their all, and everyone cheered for their nearest competitors and for every effort they saw!
It is a pleassure to witness this kind of sportmanship, and this kind of caring- I would like to thank every single one of you for this- from the bottom of my heart - Thank you!

I have had the pleassure of browsing on the internet after the event, and even recieved a couple of emails from participants, and spectators, who all thought the event was fantastic! My name has been mentioned on a couple of occations, and I am thankful for that. The truth however is that the success of the event lies entirely with the judges and the officials who made the event possible. Without these firebreathers who stood out in the rain, who kept the standards high, and spent every second of the entire weekend on making everything go as smoothly as possible, this would not have been possible! They were focused and did a tremendous job! They are the true heroes behind the success of the Qualifier!
It is easy to make all the best plans in the world but to take these plans from paper to reality is the true challenge! Without you, that simply would not have been possible.
I would like to give a special thank you to Martin Altemark who was the man behind making sure the whole thing went according to CrossFit standards at the same time as making sure that the schedule behind every single heat was kept. I would also like to give special thanks to Erik, Rickard and Einar who were the on site judges responsible for the organization in every heat, making sure that the right equipment was in the right spots, and that the judges were where they were supposed to be- thank you!

All in all!
The event was a success and we will see if we will get the chance to do it all over again? I truly hope so, but only time will tell! I honestly think that the athletes who will be going to the Games to represent Europe are the best athletes we had at the qualifier! The athletes who made it to the podium are well rounded athletes capable of performing well no matter what the challenge put in front of them will be. I honestly look forward to seeing how they do at the Games, and promise to keep my fingers crossed for them every step of the way, as I am sure everyone else on this side of the pond will:-)

Now for the promised rant- it is a lighter version of whay you may have read in the past, but I guess I am getting soft!

The sun has come out in Stockholm, and reminded us all that summer is just around the cornor! For some of us, all this means is that we can begin to do our runs outdoors, and that we now have spectators following athletes into the box after they return from the run on "Helen" or "Murph" etc.
To others this means that it is time to go to their favorite sports apparel supplier and stock up on some very expensive running shoes, skins, wristbands, camel backs, etc. and begin to power walk!
I see these people every day walking around looking like they are on their way to the olympics, super focused and a constant eye on the pluse clock (that is a must to the power walker) at speeds that are virtually non existant! I am baffeled at this complete lack of understanding of intensity, and complete waste of time! The energy spend on hours worth of power walking is easily less than what is expended during the warm-up at our box! So what is it these people want to achieve? fat loss? increased cardio vascular capacity? you tell me!
The truth is that all the god stuff comes with intensity (thank you mr Sherwood/Coach) and since intensity is nowhere to be found in a power walk, what is it these people think they are going to get?

A point could be made that is is better that they power walk than do nothing at all, and I agree with that to some degree. I mean if you have decided to care for your health and take active meassures towards increassing your quality of life and health, is this really the best you could come up with? Why not immidiately go for an activity that will actually work and pay dividends within a foreseeable future?
What would you say to a doctor who decided to give you a medication that was going to stop the illness, when you knew that the cure was lying in his other pocket and all you had to to was reach for it?

I dont know, I may be wrong, it has happened before- but please do share your thoughts!

Until next time

Much love


Niels said...

A true mindreader.

But then again, so little people are interested in our training (lazy fks). Also, so little boxes here in Holland.. and like Mr Sherwood said: "What do you say when people ask you: What is CrossFit?"
It's friggin' hard to explain!

Thanks for the European Regionals Mads, can't be said enough (plus, you already said thanks to everyone else in that post).

Until we meet again, Mads! :)

PS: I tried that deadlift/burpee workout (from the regionals). It sucked! 9'55" as Rx'd at CF Antwerpen opening day.

Martin Altemark said...

What you might have seen is me - my running just is that slow!

Regionals was fantastic and all involved (athletes and officials) were great. But thank god it's long time til next year! :-)

Now where are those potato chips?

Sam said...

Great work every one that was involved, thanks.

And regarding power walking:

PS. Snickers are not paleo :P