Thursday, November 25, 2010

Let there be light!

Lately I have been having all kinds of problems with my lower back, and as a result I have not been able to work out with the intensity that I would like to. This has forced me to spend more time on improving my weaknesses, and since the are a bunch of them, the process of choosing what to spend time on was actually easy! I could choose whatever!

The interesting part was that I had to actually sit down and make a list of things that I suck at and then prioritize! I decided that my mobility or lack thereof was probably the root of all the back pain. So after consulting some of the best sources I could possibly imagine, I ended up with a long list of exercises that would help me on my way to improved mobility! I have been doing these exercises for a while now and my mobility has gotten better... a lot better..... who would have thought that persistance pays of?
My back however is still giving me trouble, granted that it is not the same kind of trouble that I was experiencing before, but I am still inhibited by my lower back! So what could the problem be??
I was in complete darkness until a dear friend and collegue solved the riddle today!

I have spent countless hours on improving my posture, arching my lower back in the squats, maintaining the stabile midline through virtually every lift you can imagine. I have worked hard to be able to do this, and complemented with various exercises such as back extentions, hip extentions, box squats, good mornings and the list goes on and on! But how often have I actually spend time on my abs? The answer is never!
I have never spent any significant time on my abs, compared to how much time I have spent on my lower back! The truth is that if there was not an ab exercise in the WoD of the day I did'nt do ab work!
I did one single workout today with focus on midline stability, primarily through the abs, and tonight I am pain free... completely pain free for the first time in weeks!

So I am sitting at home wondering if I am the only one who has made the mistake of never putting the same amount of emphasis on my abs as I have done on my lower back, and as a consequence gotten far stronger in my lower back than in my abs?
I am not saying that I just found the holy grail to cure all back pain! But continuing on yesterdays topic, I think it is fair to claim that I had not found the best possible balance in my workout regimen, and as a result I have been having all kinds of trouble and have had to modify my training and cancel teaching at certs (one of my favorite things in the world).... Are you on your way to ending up in the same dead end, or have you been there?

I am thinking this guy does'nt have my problems due to weak abs!

Supremely happy that I am better, and may have found a way back into the light!

Much love


Michael Kruse said...

Great news!
Let´s do some ab work together :)

Bear said...

After having severe back pain after 3.6 km run upwards with 14% incline (28:28 min) I think I will learn a great deal from your experience. Thank you for posting!

Bear said...

Well actually it was 450 m upwards and 3.6 km onwards! :)

Jenny said...

Bear- If anyone can avoid the pain I have been having the last 6 weeks, then noone is happier than me:-) I hope you are feeling better my friend:-)
Gotta love your WoD description!

Sven Isaksson said...

As always very thoughtful and motivational posts that inspires versatile and effective training. Keep up the momentum with the blog! Thanks for sharing.