Imagine the following scenario:
"A person comes up to you and challenges you to a 100m race. You accept the challenge, and you both agree on a date for the race.
You then proceed to train as hard as you possibly can for the race, and in your pursuit of exellence you decide to seek help from a professional. So you start working out with a trainer, and even go as far as to attend workshops, and seminars, in order to perform better.
The day of the race finally arrives, and you feel fantastic. You get in the block, and explode out of the block, and begin your sprint down the track.. After 80m your opponent stops running? You finish the race in perfect form, and make good time- you feel proud of yourself!
Now comes the chock- your opponent claims to have won the race?? What the #%?! just happened? To add injury to insult, your opponent gets online and boasts of his exellence, and posts his time, for the 100m race! Never mentioning that he only went 80m!"
The scenario is hillarious, and noone in their right mind would ever do so- Since it is clear to everyone that he never finished the race, and you are the true winner!
Why is this not true of crossfit???
I always try to spend as much time as possible to visit as many crossfit related sites as possible, looking for exercises, programming, inspiration, motivation etc. and lately I have come across a couple of these sites, where people (whom I have seen workout) have posted their scores, and they are fantastic!
The problem however is that I have seen these people work out, and there has been no full extention of the squat or push up, no chin above the bar in the pull ups, no full range of motion in the push ups, and the list goes on and on! So now my question is this- How can these people post their scores,beside those who have had perfect technique and full range of motion, and not honestly admit that they did their best, but the technique was lacking, but they are working on it? That they really tried, and will get better?
The problem is that we are no longer competing on the same terms, somebody is only running 80m- while others run 100m... Who do these people think they are? You ruin the the very basis on which we compare, evolve, develop, motivate and inspire each other, and turn Crossfit into your own little "ego massage".. Who do you think you are? Get of your high horses, and get honest, or start working out at SATS, where no requirement of posting scores is made!
I will be the first to compliment a person who gets a 5 sek improvement on their 45 min "Fran" time, if it is legit! I'll will scream my little heart out for the person who tries to better their "Crossfit total", but misses- but does so in good form.. And I will salute and celebrate the person who blows my score on "Cindy", out of the water.
I have no personal pride in my scores, and I post them to motivate those who want, and to show how close, or far behind I am from the ones who are better! The second I post my scores for any other reason- I hope I get caught red handed, and banished from the Crossfit community- cause then I am no longer worth being a part of this!
Think! Who do you want to be?
The last three days I have done the following workouts:
Monday: Fran
Pull ups
21 - 15 - 9 for time: 5:01
I really thought I was going to beat my previous PR of 4:45, but I just did'nt have it in me- but I gave it my all. The ambition for next time is to beat it- preferably somewhere around 4:30:-)
Run 800m x 4
rest as needed between rounds
I am not a runner and desperatly need for someone to give some pointers on the pose 4 technique.. I was somewhere between 3:30 and 3:00, getting progressivly faster as I went, but nowhere near impressive:-)
30 Glut ham sit-ups
25 Back extentions
5 rounds for time.
I don't have anywhere to do proper glut ham sit-ups, so I did straight legged L-sits on the pull up bar instead. I know that this is not even close to as taxing as real glut ham sit-ups, but still this was no walk in the park- Time 9:12
Today was a rest day, and I already feel this wonderful dread of what will come tomorrow...
Much love
Ni som nu känner er dissade är välkommna till SATS i Liljeholmen som tröst på såren ;) Hör av er så kan vi träna teknik i smyg...
I get your point exactly, I try to run the "full 100m" every workout.
All the best // C1
I am really glad someone said it. I have been all over America watching people Crossfit and have yet to see with my own eyes, the things I see in the comments on the main page.
Mads, it was good of you to bring it up. B-boy
Well spoken!!!
I usually have someone watching/timing me while I do a WOD and I tell them to add 10 seconds if I @#$% up and exercise or my form goes to shit.
Very, very well spoken son.
Endnu engang gør dine super pædagogiske vinkler til din måde at få dine budskaber ud på, mig meget stolt af og glad for dig.
Mor xx 00
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