Sunday, November 30, 2008

Days 5-6-7... sorry I'm late!

I was supposed to post these days two days ago, which means that I have robbed you of the opportuninty to do the WOD's percribed by Karl for days 5 and 6. The mistake is all mine and I am so sorry about that- My suggestion is that you have these days in the back of your mind, and tey to make them up sometime in the future..

Here are the WOD's as described by the man himself:

Day 5
"The Chief"
As many rounds in 3 mins of;
3 power clean, 60kg / 40kg
6 press ups
9 squats
Rest 1 min
5 rounds.

Day 6
Run 400m
Rest 2 mins
4 rounds for time.

Day 7
For time;
Row 1000m
5 rounds of;
6 push jerk, 60kg / 40kg
25 pull ups

That is all for now, but I promise that I will not be late with posting the WOD's again..

Much love


Mads Jacobsen said...

Day 6


I know I know I know.. the only consolation, is that its getting better... I had to do this one on a treadmill which is sub-optimal:-)

Much love

Mads Jacobsen said...

well- where do I start?
with the great first 1000m row, or the first push jerks which felt great?, or the first 25 pull ups that hust thrashed nt forearms?
After that I went for the push jerks again, and on the 3rd rep, my wrist make a strange cracking sound, and a pain shot through my wrist- I reset and went for it again, with the same result... I have broken my hand before, and I am keeping mt fingers crossed I didnt just do it again...

I hope you all did better..

much love

Jenny said...

Day 5

The Chief"

Total: 25 rounds
(40 kg power clean)

Day 7

21.00 min

( Did 60 pullups, 65 dips)
I torn up my hand..
