Sunday, February 22, 2009

No excuses!

I'm hoping the heading got you wondering what mischief I have been up to, and what has gotten me all up in a knot again- but before I get into that I'll give you a short run through the last days training!

#1 Squat cleans 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1- 1
I worked my way up to 80kg and feel pretty happy with that. This is still one of these exercises that (once it gets a bit heavier) I start wondering if my hand, my hip and my knee will hold up? This time I had no problems whatsoever, but I felt that I was not pulling myself under the bar agressively enough, mainly because I chickened out! I'll just have to be happy with this for now, and let it all develop with some baby steps.. I have even been thinking that when everything starts feeling better, maybe I should make a trip to Manchester, and have the demon trainer Karl help me out..

#2 With a running clock, do 1 pull up the first minute, two the next etc, until you can no longer finish the pull ups in a minute!
I made it to 15 pull ups- and on the next laphad to give up at 11.
This is one of these WoD's that plays with my head! I feel fine and it feels like I could go on forever- but my grip just will not let e pass the bar-) Well, at 200lbs I'm pretty happy with getting to 15- next time I'll nail 16 for sure!

50 ring dips
400m run
50 push ups
400m run
400m run
What do you say? I was on fire until I got to the HSPU- and then it was like I just ran into a wall! 24:12 WOW I felt like I was invincible and hit the ground hard- these WoD's sure make me feel like I have a lot to work on!
However, every rep was legit, every single one!

Yesterday- Joshie!
I decided to use a 20kg dumbell, which I later realized converts to something like 44lbs the requirement is 40lbs! I did the first round with l-pull ups and then realized that the gym would close before I ever finished if I was to continue doing l-pull ups, so I opted for CTB instead!
34:06....... what can I say? JUst really happy I actually got it done:-)

No excuses!
When was the last time you took some time of to look through the comments posted after a days WoD on the main site, or any other site actually?
It is amazing to see how many excuses people have! It is scary to read how many people beging their post with: " Well I did'nt get enough sleep last night!" " I have been having a cold lately!" "I had to do my WoD at a time of the day I dont usually work out!" and the list goes on and on with more or less legit excuses, before the results are posted.
Why do you do that? If you have really given all you had to give and done everything you possibly could, there should be no need for excuses! You may not be able to do everything as rxd because of injuries or because you simply can't perform the exercise yet, or dont have the equipment at hand. I have no problem whatsoever with that, but when you begin your post with making excuses to your performance, something is wrong! You either did'nt give it your best shot, and feel like you need to justify your lack of commitment- or you have forgotten that it is all about your own personal development as an athlete, not about how your results meassure up to everyone elses! Just because you cant post a sub 7 Helen or a 400 point fight gone bad does not mean that you have to justify your effort- instead celebrate your development, and be honest to yourself about what you can improve!
There is another beast that comes along with this mindset that you dont want to feed- low self-esteem! When you have gotten into the habbit of making excuses for your efforts you will soon begin actually believing in these excuses and use them to legitimize (is that a a word) your lack of effort to towards improvement! Don't ever bring yourself down- other people will gladly do that for you! Instead be honest to yourself, and boldly evaluate your workouts and post your scores and reflections, it is better for you, and you deserve the boost that comes along with doing the WoD's!

Well a week from now I will be on a plane towards some fantastic training, but I promise to be in touch before that!

You gotta love Rippetoe!

In response to a question regarding how to bail out of a squat...
" In my gym, you get spotters, you safely dump it backwards loaded with the bumper plates, or you learn how to accurately judge your ability.
If you dump the bar on rails or pins or anything else in here, I will beat the cum out of you with the remnants of the bar."

Much love


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