Monday, February 16, 2009

What do you think?

I have been taking it easy the last 3 days, missing every single WOD! I have felt a cold coming on, and the departure for Santa Cruz is just around the cornor, so I decided to take it easy.. Not an entirely depressing decission, since it gave me extra time with my family..

I do however have a question I would like to share with you! Before I move on I would like to stress that I do not have a stone carved answer to the question, but I would like to hear what you have to say? So here we go:

Lately there have been some fantastic achievements on the .com site. I'm thinking about Rhabdo's and Speal's "fran times, but there have been others as well! These are fantastic achievements and I am genuinly impressed with these efforts, full ROM or not, these are kick ass achievements!

My question however is aimed more at those striving towards someday achieving such feats!

When you have an athlete who is doing a WOD, and the athlete has to rest to gain composure, breath, focus etc. before continuing the WOD, do you recommend that the athlete takes ie. 3 deep breaths and then continue, or do you recommend a slightly longer rest so that more reps can be done before the athlete has to rest again, or finnish the WOD?

Do you see where I am going? Would you rather that the athlete takes a slightly longer rest and as a consequense of this is able to do more reps, or do you push the athlete to rest less and risk that the athlete has to rest sooner?

Lately I have been experimenting with both, and found that the results vary from individual to individual, and from day to day, from WOD to WOD and is also depending on what time of day it is!

What are your own personal experiences? What are you experiences from client to client etc- please share..

For now that is all folks, until next time

Much love

Ps.. the picture... early days, how many people can you name?

1 comment:

kempie said...

Have generally found that the rest required per rep completed is less with short sub-sets. Of course, each time you put down the bar or drop off the rings etc it is an opportunity to delay. For folks with a coach they can be nudged back to work. For people training solo something like three breaths, a quick shake, walk to the wall and back etc then back to it can work well.

Pushing for bigger sets requires more rest and generally less reps per minute = less power output. Nice thread on this topic here:

Cheers, kempie