I swore on this very blog, not too long ago that I would not make excuses if my workouts did not go the way I planned them. I swore that I would accept everything at face value, and try to grow from there on, and draw experience and knowledge from every single workout!
Well, then what do you do if you can't work out?
We got back from the cert in Manchester, and I had to admit to myselt that the injuries I had been trying to forget all about on the way to the cert, could no longer be ignored, and I needed to adress them. So I decided to take a week of, and then start up slowly today!
It sounded like a briliant plan, until this morning when I woke up with a sore throught, and a cold with an immidiate e.t.a.
Even though I have been known to be stubborn (read borderline stupid) at times, not even I am stubborn enough to ignore this. So what do you do?
This was supposed to be the first in a long line of baby steps towards full recovery.. I guess I'll just have to wait a few more days for that!
My question to you is! How do I get rid of this sore throught? How have you gotten back from what feels like forever without decent training? Share your experiences please!
Much love
Sorry to hear you're not well fella.
An old favourite of mine is the "hot toddy" Take a cup and add a spoon of honey, some lemon a shot of rum and some hot water. It will soothe your throat and should clear your head. Clearly it's best to have at the end of the day.
Take it easy and come back to it with baby steps, just like you intended.
Get well soon.
Såg inte denna tidigare. Mycket tyder på att snabba kolhydrater generellt, men socker framförallt bidrar till luftvägsinfektioner. Nu menar jag alltså hur man äter dagligen. Har säkerligen att göra med den kraftiga sänkning av immunförsvaret som sker vid intag av dessa. En tesked socker sänker immunförsvaret i 2 timmar...
Alltså - är du benägen att bli sjuk hela tiden - ge fan i allt socker och undvik snabba kolhydrater. Dvs ät ffa grönsaker ;) Går ju helt i linje med det du gör just nu, så det kanske blir bättre framöver om du hänger i.
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