It is old, it is very old with these geezers who at the end of the year lean back in their chairs and try to sum up the year that has passed, and begin to speculate on what the new year will have in store! Things like that should be done internally, and in a place where noone else can ever begin to grasp what is going through your head!
Why is that? Because it is boring as hell for everyone else to sit there and listen to or read about! That is the first obvious reason to avoid these things. The second is that memory has a way of providing you with only the best or the worst memories of the year that has passed (depending on what mood you find yourself to be in)! The third is that the predictions for the year to come very rarely pan out the way you thought- Tings go to shit, and ou find yourself in places you nver thought you would be in situations you could not have dreamt up in your wildest dreams!
My blog!
However, as most of you have already realized by now, I am not the sharpest tool in the shed, so I will just go ahead and do all of the above anyway! Another thing to consider is that this is my blogg, so if you venture on here you may have just a slight intrest in what I think.. Please remember though that this is my personal blogg, so whatever comes up here is nothing more than a mirror of my thoughts on certain subjects- highly personal and not official in any way shape or form. Can I make it any clearer? If you dont like what you read, please feel free to surt onto another site with more soothing conversation! Dont let my ill temper upset you:-)
The year that has passed has been a fantastic year, and I will take a second to list some of the things that made the year fantastic. If I leave something out it is very like ly that it is simply a lapse of memory, more than my intention- Please feel free to point it out o me- honestly!
2009- was fantastic year for a number of reasons- here are some:
1- My son grew into an even more fantastic personality, and I just love him to death! The years to come wil be an interesting journey! My sun rises and sets with him!
2- My dear wife and best friend, kept on being just that! The best thing that ever happened to me, and the best friend I could ever have asked for. She makes me a better person on a daily basis, and is the most supportive person I have ever met. I thank God for her patience with me- may I sometime be able to repay the favors! Besides that she is hot as hell!
3- Friends! 2009 was a year where I was blessed with the chance to meet some truly fantastic people who have turned out to be an inspiration, and a support that I could not have dreamt of in my wildest dreams. I am supremely thankful for having had the chance to meet these people, and I am very curious to see where out journey takes us! I thik big things may be in store!
4- HQ staff! being given the chance to travel with HQ staff and teach at certs all over Europe, has been amazing! To be able to hang out with the people at these certs, and just be a spounge, sucking up everything I possibly can from the participants, trainers, locations etc. has been phenomenal! I look forward to the years to come, and CrossFit sweeping all over Europe!
5- Leaving Grand! Getting the chance/ being pushed to jump of the ledge, staying true to the firm beliefs I have about training and personal training, and leaving Grand when the room for training was diminished to being virtually non-existing! Being able to look in the mirror everyday knowing that I did not compromise with what it is I am trying to bring to my clients.. Not everyone else can say the same!
6- Insight! Things happened during 2009! Some good, some bad! Some uncalled for! Some much needed etc. The list goes on and on! Whether these things were good or bad- insight was gained! That has to be good!
The loist could be a lot longer, but I will keep it at that for the time being! If I forgot something please let me know, and I will immidiately put it on the list:-)
Let us make this easy!
1- I want a box!
2- CrossFit Nordic to grow!
3- Continued succes as a HQ trainer!
4- A fantastic event at the European regional qualifier
5- a sub 3:30 fran on film!
6- a 200kg deadlift on film!
7- a +100kg overhead squat on film!
8- a sub 20 min 5K run!
9- a sub 7 min 2000m row! well documented!
10- a lot of Santa Cruz- you know what I mean!
If you have stuck with it so far and have read all my highly personal and sentimental bollocks- please share what your goals are for the year to come, and what was the high/low in the year that is about to pass!
Much love