Thursday, August 28, 2008

Next 3 wods and results..

Day 9

15 deadlifts ( He 100kg) ( She 80kg)
15 Pullups ( Chest to bar)
15 Thrusters ( He 42,5 kg) ( She 30 kg)
3 rounds for time

Day 10
6 Shoulder press
9 Push press
12 Push jerk
5 rounds - post load per round

Day 11
25 Knees to elbows
25 Double unders
5 rounds for time

Day 12

And results from..

Day 5

Mads: 120-130-140-150-160 ( Got 2 reps of 170 but could not complete the third rep)
Jenny: 100-110-112,5-115-117,5

Day 6
10 Hang squat clean ( He 60 kg) ( She 40 kg)
15 Box jumps
10 K2E
5 rounds for time

Mads: 15:33
Jenny: 15:32

Day 7
Run 5 K

Mads: 30 min
Jenny: 23:45


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Another 3 workouts and results!


The first 3 days are over and it is time to confess to our progress and the fact that my coordination still leaves a lot to be desired!

We have actually come off to a great start and the 3 first workouts have felt really good. As off tomorrow Jenny and I will be back on a strict diet.. Lately we have been taking it very easy, and allowed for a bit to many things that are nowhere near our original diet, to make its way to our meals.. As of tomorrow these days are over.

First things first. The next 3 days workouts are:

Day 5

Day 6
10 Hang squat clean (men 60kg/ women 40kg)
15 Box jumps
10 Knees to elbows

5 rounds for time

Day 7
Run 5 k

Day 8

These are the challenges for the next 3 days!

The past 3 days have have been great, but my double unders still leaves a lot to be desired- this shows mercilessly in the time I managed to accumulate during "Annie"..

Day 1
Overhead Squat
Jenny- 40kg- 45kg- 40kg- 40kg-40kg- (the last 3 sets were 15 reps each for technique)
Mads- 50kg- 60kg- 65kg- 70kg- 80kg

Day 2
Double unders
Ab mat sit ups

For time
Jenny- 7:00 min
Mads- 19:23 min

Day 3
150 push ups
every time a knees touches the ground- run 400m
Jenny- 16:55
Mads- 14:19

Well, these were our times- please post yours and comment on how you did:-)

Much love

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I Challelge you ll !

Is is time to launch my second challenge!

The last challenge was fantastic, and we really worked our little hearts out, and gave it our all in every workout in order to perform well. It was a supreme motivator to know that we had to post our results on this blogg, and that a bunch of people actually logged on and follewed our results!
However the challenge did'nt quite end up the way I had planned. I had to work a lot both days and nights, and so the last days were thrown out of order and I had no chance of following through with my commitment.. This time there will be none of that!

So here is my second challenge:

Day 1
Overhead Squats
Post loads

Day 2
For time
Double unders
Ab mat sit ups

Day 3
150 push ups for time
Every time a knee touches the ground- run 400 meters

Day 4
This is when I will post the next 3 days:-)

Much love

Friday, August 15, 2008

Chest to bar!

Lately there has been a lively discussion on different Crossfit discussion boards, on whether the chest-to-bar pull ups that were required at the Crossfit Games this year, should be the standard?
Initially I was thinking that I should wait to see whether Coach would make some sort of ruling in the case. I was thinking that maybe Coach would decide that some workouts would require chest-to-bar pull ups and others would not!
In my own workouts I immidiately decided to use chest-to-bar pull ups simple because I liked the full range of motion and that fact that chest-to bar required more of me as an athlete- in other words- I thought that chest-to-bar would increase my fitness, so why on earth not!

My laid back approach to the entire thing has served me well. I have been able to read what my betters thought, at the same time as I have felt the effects in my own workouts. I feel however that it is time for me to make a stand and confess to where I put my buck!

Chest-to-bar all the way!

Crossfit is a fantastic exercise regimen designed to make me as complete as an athlete as humanly possible. Take a look at the following, I know you have all seen the list before:

1. Cardiovascular/respiratory endurance - The ability of body systems to gather, process, and deliver oxygen.
2. Stamina - The ability of body systems to process, deliver, store, and utilize energy.
3. Strength - The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply force.
4. Flexibility - the ability to maximize the range of motion at a given joint.
5. Power - The ability of a muscular unit, or combination of muscular units, to apply maximum force in minimum time.
6. Speed - The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement.
7. Coordination - The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movement.
8. Agility - The ability to minimize transition time from one movement pattern to another.
9. Balance - The ability to control the placement of the bodies center of gravity in relation to its support base.
10. Accuracy - The ability to control movement in a given direction or at a given intensity.(Thanks to Jim Cawley of Dynamax for the list)

Chest-to-bar requires more of us as athletes in almost every single category! So if you are a true crossfitter, how can you not embrace this development, clap your hands, and smile at the fact that you now have yet another way of becoming a better athlete?

Look in The mirror!

The question is whether you have become so caught up in posting scores and beating PR's that you have forgotten why it is that you do Crossfit? Has it become more important to you to cut 5 seconds of your "Fran" time, than developing as an athlete? Is it more important to you to be able to say that your "Angie" time is faster than mine, than becoming stronger, better coordinated, increasing agility etc?
If the above is the case, then my personal advice is to check yourself!
One of my favorite things about Crossfit, besides the fantastic things it has done for my fitness, is the atmosphere! The fact that everybody truly cares for each other and rejoices in each others progress. When someone comes up to me and tells me that they have just set a new PR, I am genuinly happy for that person. When someone tells me that they just nailed their first muscle up, a grin immidiately appears on my face, and I remember the pride I felt when I got my first, and I am happy for that person!
This atmosphere of wanting to share results with others who have put down the same effort in order to evolve as athletes, is unique for Crossfit. The constant sharing of ideas, techniques and expiriences is unique for Crossfit- If you have forgotten that and have stopped striving towards excelling for your own sake, and dismiss progress like chest-to-bar because you don't want to post slower times etc- then you have forgotten where you came from, and I hope from the bottom of my heart that you will find your way back- cause child you are lost:-)

There a many reasons why some people don't do chest-to-bar, and many of them are perfectly legit. The point however, is that if you can do them and don't because of some silver toungued devil on your shoulder, massaging your ego- then you have lost your way (and the way I see it, you have lost touch with why we do Crossfit).

Chest-to-bar all the way baby!


I have no results to share today- I will however be back in a coulpe of days with a new challenge, so please drop by and check it out!

Much love