Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I would have thought, and a CFT!

The wheather in Stockholm has been nothing short of amazing the last couple of days. This has resulted to a bunch of trips to the local pools with our son, who has developed a fondness for water and bathing that you have to see to understand- I cant blame him the least, it the only way to chill in this wheather!

However- I would have thought that to be a lifeguard at one of these pools you would have had to be in good shape, or at least be able get out of your chair without regarding it as a workout? Is that too much to ask? I mean if push comes to shove and one of these people actually have to do their job/ what they are paid for- would you not expect that they were physically able to do so?

Well- one of the pools we went to had a lifeguard who was the furthest from fit that I have seen in a long time- she was heavily obese, smoking continously, eating candy and chips while chasing it all down with big bottle of Coke. Sitting in the chair next to the pool I could just not help wondering if she was the one we should call on if someone was about to drown in the far end of the pool? Just getting out of her chair was a challenge, and her focus was all about destroying everything that once had the outlines of a functional body... Is this right? Of course not- but the question is if she should have realized this herself, or should this lack of ability have been noticed by the one employing her? What do you think?

Besides pondering the roles of responsibility when it comes to the quality of the ones who are supposed to save our lives if we should ever need it- I also did a CrossFit Total yesterday- not exactly earth shattering, but I am content for now anyways!

Back Squat 140 kg
Shoulder press 75kg
Deadlift 170kg

Not too much to be said about the effort on this WoD- so until next time:-)

Much love



Bear said...

Dauym, 75 i axelpress! Inte illa! Jag har kommit på mig själv att tänka lite samma tankar om rökare, menmen.

Martin Altemark said...

Meh! Blogga rå! Jag har ju semester och är uttråkad - behöver följa bloggosfären!