It is almost x-mas which means that my dear mom is coming up to Stockholm to spend some time with us. So here is my solem promise for this weekend!
I will not eat anything that is zone or Paleo inspired!
I will not do any metcons!
I will not do anything that is taxing in any way shape or form!
Here is what I do promise:
I promise that I will spend as much time as I possibly can with my wonderful family, and especially with my mom! I will also do my best to share the complete decay with you over the weekend, before it is time to once again get inte to the proverbial suck again:-)
Mcuh love
Good for you!
Grejt Mads! Ska vi tävla i viktökning? Mitt rekord är 4 nästan 5 kg på två veckor ;)
Jag är helt med på att tävla i viktökning.. Ska verkligen göra ett försök på att toppa 4kg på en helg:-)
Tror du kan få en fin helg Mads!
Utrolig bra instruksjons video på .com!
Vansinnigt bra knäböjsinstruktion Mads!
have a great time dude
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