Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Day 1- 2- 3- results!

Well, the first 3 days of my little challenge are over, and I have to admit that I thought I would have done a lot better than I did on the first two days!

One thing you will notice while we are doing this challenge is that no excuses will be accepted. Comments like: I worked all last night- I did'nt sleep enough- My meals were a little of etc. will not be found in this blog as I venture through these 32 days!
I have found that I am a master at making excuses to myself as to why the WOD's did not go as I planned them. Often I'll begin before the workout and catch myself making excuses as to why this might not be my best workout ever, or why I can't perform to the best of my abilities.
The peoblem with this behavior is that it gives me one more obstacle to overcome, as if the WOD was'nt enough! When push comes to shove and fatique is choking me during the workout- it is an easy way out! There will be none of that! I willwork my little heart out every time, and get the job done! as I read on a crossfit blog, by some very dedicated crossfitters here in Stockholm-

It does not have to be fun, to be fun! Perfect!

Day 1
Overhead squats rep/kilo
15/40kg 15/45kg 15/50kg 15/55kg 15/55kg 4/60kg Ass to the floor!

I thought I'd be a lot stronger in this WOD- but 15 reps are a lot! On the 4th set I had to struggle to maintain good form, so I decided to use the same weight in the last set, and I got the balance perfect from the first rep on that one. The final set of 4 went without any problem- I could have gone a little heavier on that one!

Day 2
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
max effort in 20 minutes!
Result 17 rounds and 10 push ups!

My goal for this one was 20 rounds, but the push ups absolutely killed me. The first 10 rounds felt really good, but then they got heavy, and I had to start breaking down the push ups. For some odd reason it felt really good though. I mean they were heavy but still felt good??
I can also proudly say that every single rep that was counted was legit!

Day 3
Row 5 k
result 19:40min

I am actually pretty happy with thins one. I had set my goal for sub 20min and managed by 20 seconds. Rowing is an absolute killer, and whereas I tend to get into a groove when I run, every single stroke of the row is work, and thought of hitting the perfect technique!

Jenny and I have made a little deal!
She is in charge of our diet, and I take care of our workouts! Jenny is borderline fanatic when it comes to her diet. I however, tend to take the easy way out, and take a couple of days of the diet all too often. Those days are over, and the effects of eating better are stunning! I feel better than I have done in a long time, and I look forward to seeing the effects it will have on my workouts..

Join in and post your scores!

Much love



Martin Altemark said...
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Martin Altemark said...

edit: länkarna sket sig

Skulle gärna hänga med, men det var lite väl lite ME för mig.

...Och dessutom är det sommar, semester och min fru jobbar. Har alltså ansvar för att leka slut på båda ungarna (eller leker dom slut på mig?), samt massa saker på huset som måste fixas och så ska man ju dricka lådvis med vin & öl också. Jag kan alltså inte hålla ett ordentligt schema just nu... Tar och följer mainsite WODsen och modifierar som jag känner för istället.

MEN kul initiativ och jag smygkikar på era resultat!

Nästa vecka (måndag) kommer vi lite crossfitbloggare (jag (crossfituppsala.blogspot.com), Björn (crossfitbear.blogspot.com), David (crossfitaf.blogspot.com) och kanske Jocke (aaf.blogspot.com) och några till) att köra ett pass i Uppsala tillsammans. Om ni vill är ni välkomna!

Mads Jacobsen said...

ME?? Jag får krypa till korset och erkänna att jag tyvärr inte vet vad du menar!

Jag skulle gärna hänga på, men måste hålla mig till planen- låter dock som ett mycket bra initiativ, och när vi är klara hänger vi gärna på båda två (ska kolla med bättre hälften:-))


Martin Altemark said...

ME = Max Effort. Styrka, ya know. Ni stora tar sånt för givet, vi småttingar måste träna sånt annars orkar vi ingeting vettu :-)

Vad har ni enligt planen på måndag då?

Mads Jacobsen said...

Att: Martin!

Skämtar du- Styrka är bara ännu en av de där sakerna jag behöver jobba på! Mycket!

på måndag är det:

Max armhävnigar
Max pull ups (Chest to bar)


25 db snatch
25 Glute ham sit ups
3 ronder på tid


Martin Altemark said...

Vi har tyvärr ingen GHD-bänk, annars kunde vi kört eran allihop.

Men ni är självklart välkomna iallafall, om inte denna gång så någon annan!