Thursday, November 20, 2008

Before Karl...

...takes over and does the programming for the next month, we still have one more 3-day-block of CrossFit.. Please enjoy!

Day 25

For time:
Ring dips
Push ups


Day 26

for time:
50 Back extentions
50 Walking lunges
50 Air squats (leap off the ground approx 1 inch on every squat)

3 rounds

Day 27

For time:
25 K2E
25 KB swings 24 kg
25 Push Press 40kg

5 rounds

After this Karl Steadman of CrossFit Manchester will take over and do the programming for a month. I am super stoked to have the opportunity to train under Karl, even if his box is far away.. I hope that everyone who has done this last months challenges, will continue, and hopefully recruit at least one more person to do this challenge...

Much love


Miles said...

Loving the programming Mads-well done mate

Mads Jacobsen said...

Thank you very much, the programming is half the fun of doing a challenge like the one we are doing now:-) Please feel free to join in!

Day 25
Time 16:56
Those HSPU's were hard:-)

Much love

Jenny said...

Day 25

Ring dips
Push ups

Time: 11.32


Mads Jacobsen said...

day 26


My legs are killing me:-)


Jenny said...

Day 26
Did this workout at home..

25 Manmakers
50 Walking lunges
50 Air squats (leap off the ground approx 1 inch on every squat)

3 rounds

Mads Jacobsen said...

Day 27..

A lot more fun than I thought it would be, but really heavy.. Only counted the k2e where I actually touched my elbows... That was a lot harder than I thought it would be:-)

time 27:12

Much love
