I have been going on and on about how I was back after my cold, and how I was going to begin chasing my goals, and getting back in shape....
Well, it's back to the drawing board for me. I just came down with a nasty sinus infection, and I'm on antibiotics for 10 days. I don't really condone the use of antibiotics, but when you get to feel like I did when I went to the doctor on sunday, and got my verdict- you'll do most anything just to get rid of the pain (and get some decent rest).. So I'm back to planning, and as soon as I know what my next step is, You'll all be the first to know!
I have some fantastic news to share with you! During the weekend september 13-14th there will be a Crossfit certification in Manchester, UK! It is a level 1 certification, and there is still room for a few more participants, so get of your ass and sign up!
It is a fantastic opportiunity to improve your technique, and get some inspiration from the best there is- at the same time as you will get a great feel for what Crossfit really entails. Crossfit is more than just workouts, its a lifestyle- and noone gets this fact across better than coach Glassman..
I'll be doing my level 2 certification there, and a bunch of my frinds will be attending the level 1 cert- So if you make it, you'll be in great company! register now on www.crossfit.com click on the certification under the date..
I would also like to dedicate a few lines to another matter that I think helps you grow, and helps the people around you, whom you care for, to excell and progress!
You need to support the people around you, whom you have decided are power people. These are the people who help give value to your life, and make you a better person!
These are the people you look to when you need support, inspiration, a second opinion, a friend etc.
More often than not these people are dynamic people themselves, people who are very often commited towards achieving, developing, progressing, etc. Being of this nature these people are often considered to be without the need for support, because they always seem to be doing good anyways! This could not be more wrong!
I want you to start thinking about who the power people in your life are, and how you can support them in their endeavours. Find out what you can do to make sure that these fantastic people, who help make your life better, feel appreciated, and keep on being the dynamic powerful people that you need in your life!
I have been blessed with many power people whom I care for dearly, and they help enrich my life daily..
One is My friend Brendan who, besides being a fantastic athlete and friend, is currently working as hard as he possible can to make Crossfit North Santa Cruz one of the best Crossfit boxes in the world..
To Support his effort visit www.crossfitnsc.com you will be inspired at once- You can also buy some of their fantastic gear- just send him an e-mail, and he'll hook you up with their new designs.. They are awesome!
Another is my long time friend Jonna- She has put together a pretty amazing blogg where she shares her experiences of eating according to the zone.. Visit her blogg www.crossfitta.blogspot.com and read about the benefits of eating in the zone, and look at her meal plans- it pretty generous of her to share her meal plans with everyone!
Now I'm off to Denmark to spend easter with my family,but I'llbe back soon with a new plan on how to get back on track, and a few personal observations on dieting..
Much love
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