Thursday, October 16, 2008

Almost "Randy"..

My knee is getting marginally better every day I don't irritate it. So todays WOD, which was 7 heavy snatches, was a gamble. Should I go for broke and hope that the knee would hold, or should nurse it and hope to recover 100%??

I passed the question on to Karl Steadman, who came back with the wise answer that I should do a hang power Snatch "Randy" instead. Randy is a 75 rep 35kg snatch hero WOD, but due to the knee I had to modify it...

I went to Fighter Centre and did the WOD. My result was 06:16 min..

I have never done this WOD in any way shape or form before, so I have no idea if it is an ok effort- but it felt like I should have done it a lot faster! The problem however was that my grip was killing me! I tried to put together reps before resting but I almost dropped the bar, so I had to let it go, shake my hands, and then return... A strange sensation!

I am happy that I got a workout in despite the knee, but not quite happy with my effort... I'm looking forward for tomorrows WOD- keeping my fingers crossed that it's not squats..

Much love


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Skat, hvad er der med dit knæ? Jeg har glemt at spørge dig når vi har talt sammen?
Kys mor