Thursday, October 9, 2008


Another Hero WOD today!
At The same time as I appreciate the athletic challenge of a Hero WOD, it saddens me deeply! My deepest condolences goes out to the families and friends of the men and women who gave their lives to defend the way of life that so many of us take for granted.. It really puts our own sacrifices in perspective!

Before going into details about todays WOD- let me just say that I realize that I have made a mistake on yesterdays WOD. I substituted the muscle ups with 3 pull ups and 3 dips- the correct sub is 4 pull ups and 4 dips- I am sorry for this!

Todays effort.

I was sore like I have not been sore for the longest time from the WOD yesterday when I ventured into todays challenge- It felt great in some odd way!
Yesterday I also managed to tear up my hands pretty bad and today did not make that better- my hands now look like something Salvador Dali would have come up with. I keep my fingers crossed that tomorrow will be some handless WOD:-)

Jenny was the first to do the WOD- she went with the 12 kg dumbells, and her time was: 16:00 min! Once again nothing short of amazing!

I then went, opting for the 17,5 kg dumbells- my time being: 15:02..

I am pretty happy with todays effort, and hope that tomorrow will be something along the lines of 5 km run:-)

For now that is all, but I will be back shortly..

Much love!

1 comment:

Martin Altemark said...

Hey! Don't keep us hanging here - how did Mr Joshua go?

Great time on Erin.