Tuesday, November 17, 2009

WoD's at a globo gym....

.... will I ever wisen up?

I am still on the 2 WoD's a day deal, and I have to admit that I really like it! I am beginning to get my diet together, with the added WoD, and I am beginning to get my rest/sleep to add up as well- so it feels like I am beginning to respond rather well to doing two WoD's a day.
For some odd reason it feels like there is a positive tention in my body, and I feel like I am able to push myself a little harder already.. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the feeling stays with me for a while:-)

So todays first WoD was:

3 rounds for time of:
Run 400m
20 double unders
20 back extentions
time 15:32:-(

I am still pissed at that time! I thought I'd be a lot faster! The thing however is that I have decided that I am no longer allowed to do double unders the way I have done them before, now I have to do at least two unbroken in order for them to count. I used to do one, and then a single skip, before I'd do another... There will be no more of that- as of now I am beginning my chase to catch up with Martin Altemark, who is the double under beast!
So the main part of this WoD was spent whipping myself with the jump rope swearing in every single language I know! To add injury to insult, some guy grabbed the back extention bench, and it took some serious persuation before I could get it back. Then a trainer grabbed my jump rope while I was running.. I mean what are the odds?

3 hours later it was time for the next WoD of the day:

Back Squat 5 x 3 rep!

I worked my way up to 125 kg which felt great! The bottom felt solid, and the drive up felt really good- however you are never going to believe this- there were no more weights avaliable! The rest of the weights were taken, and noone felt like sharing the love- So I had to call it a day..
I am pretty happy with the workout, but would have liked to actually go to failure.. Better luck tomorrow I guess!

Much love



rackempackem said...

It seams as though we could find use a real Crossfit-gym in this city!

Richard said...

Load - I agree totally!!