Monday, September 7, 2009

Swedish Crossfit Championships!

On saturday this weekend CrossFit Nordic hosted the first ever Swedish CrossFit Championships. It was an extraordinary success!
Some truly fantastic athletes from all over Sweden had shown up to find out who was the best athlet over broad time and modal domain! And after the 3 events had been overcome there was no doubt that the winner would be the one with least specific skills, but an overall physique best suited for the unknown and the unknowable!

I would have loved to compete but since I am and old fart with no physical skills worth noting, my role during the day was reduced to being a judge- the family honor was defended by Jenny, who is every bit the athlete I wish I could have been, and a fantastic competitor! Remember, when reading the following that I am tainted by that fact that we are married, and I still have not quite recovered from the fact the SHE WON!

The workouts of the day were the following:

WoD 1
500m run
50 dead lifts 90/60kg
50 burpees
250m farmerswalk with kettlebells 24/16kg
50 kb swings
50 sit ups
500m run

WoD 2
3000m row for time

WoD 3
5 clean and jerk (ground to overhead anyhow) 70/40kg
10 pull ups (guys did ctb)
20 squats
5 rounds for time!

There were some stellar efforts on display during the day, and every athlete really gave it their all, leaving nothing on the mat.

The funny thing to watch was the ones who have been doing CrossFit for a while, and know exactly what is going to be the asskicker and their personal nemesis in every WoD. Compared with the people who have not been CrossFitting very long who just charged it with everything they had, and let the Gods decide when they would hit the proverbial wall! Both categories fought valiently!
I am not going to get into detail about any particular athletes performances during the day, because there are too many to be mentioned. Chances are that I might forgt one- which would be completely unacceptable, considering the heart everyone put into this!

I would like to give props to Erik and Richard of CrossFit for making this event possible! They had done an epic effort in getting this whole thing put together, and their planning and all the hard work they had put into this became more and more evident as the day progressed. Everything went really smooth, everyone knwe where to go- there was a bare minimum of confusion- the event was scheduled to end at 16:30, and the last participant finished his last rep on the last WoD at 16:20- how wellorganized is that?
I personally thought that the programming they had done was fantastic and it gave everyone a chance to shine, no matter what your strength/weakness!
Fantastic job guys- I hope to be asked to judge at your next event as well? It would be a pleassure!

F***ing up a competition!

Please remember when reading the following that I absolutely loved the event, and intend to let no amount of shadow fall over the participants, winners, or the hosts. This little rant is dedicated to some of the judges who signed up to help out at the event, and had it not been for the good spirit of the participants, could just as well have f**ked upp the entire thing!

The job of being a judge is actually quite simple when you think about it. You monitor the movements, count the reps that are legit- discard the ones that are not, and in the end you submit the time it took to do the work to the scoreboard! How could you possible get that wrong?
Well, if for some odd reason you do not have the knowledge to know what the bottom of a squat looks like, or that you need to fully extend your hip at the top of the squat in order to get a legit rep. If you have somehow not quite understood that the burpee ends with a overhead clap and a small jump. If the fact that a chest to bar pull up includes a a touch on the bar with the chest, has eluded you or that a kettlebell swing ends overhead with some part of the ear being visible, while your body is completely extended!
If for some reason these things have escaped your attention, and you did not reflect over them when your got the very explicit directions emailed to you. and ignored them when they were passed out on the day of the event-my contention is that you should not be a judge!
You will f**k up the event if you can not count legit reps! How can the winner ever feel that he truly won if you counted reps that were not up to par- how can the runners up ever let go of the thought that they could have won if they too had been blessed with a blind morron that could not differentiate between good and bad movement.
How will we ever be able to rise above the athletic fitness, bodybuilding bull s**t if we make the same mistakes and let there be an ounce of doubt as to whether the winner really was the best athlete?
There will always be someone who feels like they were short changed in some way shape or form- it is inevitable in all competition when humans parttake. However this should not be because the judges did not do their job!

The winners this weekend were fantastic athletes and they deserve to win! The participants were amazing and made the event one to remember, the audience were fantastic, and the hosts made a great event, with everything I could ever desire- all in all this was better than x-mas! But for future references the judges need to harden the f**k up and take a long hard look in the mirror before they deside that they are capable of the relatively easy task of judging- cause you really are not helping anyone with a half ass effort, and poor understanding of the movements you are supposed to judge!

That is it for now- until next time

Much love


MattiasL said...

Ville bara tacka för i lördags. Hade äran att få ha dig som min domare i pass 1 och 3.

Hade ju tänkt lägga av redan en bit in i första passet(magsjukan hade verkligen tagit all energi ifrån mig), men din och publikens pepp gjorde att man bara ville fortsätta lite till.
Är glad att jag tog mig igenom hela dagen.
Hade en riktigt rolig dag.
Och med dig som dommare så vet jag att jag har gått igenom alla passen som dom skulle göras.:)

Tackar för peppen jag fick under alla passen.

Ha det gott
//Mattias Linnér

Martin Altemark said...

Välformulerat och klokt! Tack för senast!

Jenny said...

Mattias! Sanslöst bra kämpat trots magsjukan.. Att du tog dig igenom det! Imponerande!
Kul att du fick Mads som domare, kanske inte var så roligt just då:)

Hoppas vi ses igen! I Halmstad kanske??


Richard said...

Bra skrivet Maestre.

Dock hade jag hoppats att du tagit upp den osportsliga delen av helgens tävling. Den delen där vissa atleters entourage stod och psykade andra deltagare på ett, för mig, riktigt sopigt och inte speciellt CrossFit Community-aktigt sätt.

Vi är en, än så länge, rätt liten skara galningar som valt att följa CrossFit-konceptet, och vi bör hålla ihop.

Anledningen till att just jag är en "follower" är först och främst viljan att bli totalt utmattad efter varje träningspass, men också för att jag gillar stämningen och känslan av samhörighet som genomsyrar hela Crossfit Communityt ute i världen.

Vissa verkar dock inte ha förstått det fina med just samhörigheten och tog helgens tävling på blodigaste allvar, där man hellre skulle "krossa" och "köra över" sina motståndare än att tävla mot sig själv och umgås och nätverka med likasinnade.

Vet inte om detta hör hemma här, men jag ville lätta mitt hjärta.

Bear said...

Jag hade Einar som domare på första, det kändes också kanonbra med några bortdömda reps och pepp på det! Sen så var han ju så snygg att tjejerna hellre kollade in honom än när man masade sig fram flämtande som en gris ;)

David Englund said...

Kan bara instämma i dt du har skrivet, men allting kan ju inte bi perfekt första gången. Man lär sig av sina misstag.
Som du säger så var det ju en lyckad dag och jag hade iaf riktigt "kul"!
Tack för peppningen, du fick mina mediokra insatser att kännas riktigt bra!

Mads Jacobsen said...

Mattias- Det var ett nöje att peppa dig under tävlingen i lördags, du kämpade och slet med ett hjärta som är få förunnat! Jag var mycket imponerad, och är glad att jag fick möjligheten att vara din dommare. Jag hoppas magen mår bättre och att vi ses i Halmstad!

Richard- Jag håller helt med dig. Den sortens beteende är helt fel, och kommer förhoppningsvis aldrig att bli normen inom CrossFit! Den dagen det blir normen slutar jag delta på tävlingar.. En stor del av nöjet vid CrossFit är den gemenskab och det vänskab man upplever bland alla som tränar!

Bear- Jag råkar veta att det var rätt många som tittade en hel del på dig också:-)

David- Detsamma gäller dig, som Mattias! Du kämpade, och visade upp en inställning och attityd som jag önskar fler låter sig imponera av, och dina insatser var allt annat än mediokra.. Om jag någonsin kan hjälpa till med råd eller peppning igen är det mitt nöje att vara till förfogande.. Jag hoppas även att du kommer att finnas på plats i Halmstad och tävla!
