Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What are the odds?

I promised Martin Altemark aka Obi Wan Kenobi, that I would get off my ass and get back to blogging. I made this promise yesterday, and had every intention of going straight home and letting the random rants of madness spill onto the internet.

I get home after spending a lot of time with Rasmus (my son) climbing, running, looking for treassures, playing basketball (I lift him up and he dunks the ball, I run and get it back and he dunks again) and chasing dragons! I sit down in front of the computer and search my twisted and contorted mind for matters I would like to share, or dwelve into- I decide that the paradox of aerobic instructors and their lack of intrest in the pursuit of fitness would be a great subject to blow of steam on, and a smile immidiately appears on my lips- I'll tear these little suckers apart!

God's intervention?

Suddenly I realize that I can not get online! Is this God telling me to let these littlle mislead suckers of the proverbial hook? Is it Buddda telling me to be a better man, and choose the high road? Is it some other unnamed God telling me that they are already in the s**t and will suffer for their waste of time without apparent gains into eternity??
Whatever it is- it prohibited me from going online and fulfill my promise to Martin yesterday- I am sorry for the delay!

I also did deadlifts yesterday and worked up to 180kg- which is kind of cool since it is the first time I have gone that heavy, while weighing as little as I do now... Pretty sweet:-)
Not close to the earth shatttering achievements of the Uppsala Mobsters, or the body weight monster, who only eats every second day, and jerks above body weight in contests.. But for an over the hill fat guy, this is pretty decent:-)

Until tomorrow, or whenever the Gods will allow me back online:-)

Much love


Martin Altemark said...

Welcome back! Syns man inte så finns man inte. Get with the times! :-)

Richard said...

Bra lyft Mads, 180kg är mäktigt med en så liten kroppshydda som du har ; )

David Englund said...

"But for an over the hill fat guy, this is pretty decent:-)"

Haha Mads, jävla hycklare! Mr"3x95kg Parkett-OHS"

Håller med Martin, mer bloggande!

Richard said...

Word, David!!

Bear said...

Skriv på du om gudarna tillåter!

rackempackem said...

went by East the other day only to find you where not on your post - big disappointment. it's very good to see that you're back on the blogg anyhow! strong DL BTW!