Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Where did my double unders go?

Yesterday was a rest day, which I guess means that I should have been on the couch taking it easy, and meditating on the WoD's to come- however I have a slightly different approach towards rest days! In my perfect little world rest days, are days where I can spend time on things I have not done in a while, or better yet things I need to improve!
Yesterday it was double unders!

Where did they go?

I realized that it had been a while since I did double unders and decided to do double unders and muscle ups.
Lets just be clear about my history when it comes to double unders. At first I could not do a single one, and was the laughing stock of everyone I knew- then somehow it dawned on me what I had to do- and I suddenly owned them- I tore these suckers apart- I loved them..... Those days are obviously over!
Yesterday I spent more time whipping my legs and arms than actually doing double unders! I need to get them back, so I guess I have to go back to square 1, and learn them all over again!
What happened? suggestions?

Warm up!

I have to ask what you do for warm ups? I have begun doing the Burgner warm up that I always do, and the after that I'll do 25 snake rolls, and 25 ab mat situps. After I have done the above I'll start doing the exercises that the WoD of the day requires.. I have found that this additional warm up, really fires up the posterior chain, which in turn makes the rest to the work out a lot more enjoyable- My question is what do you do?

Swedish Championships!

Surf onto and look at the event they have planned for this wekend! It will be a kick ass event and I look forward to seing some stellar performances, from some awesome athetes!
Any thoughts on the programming?

For now that will have to do, so much love!


Richard said...

Det ska bli riktigt kul att träffa en massa likasinnade (hoppas jag) CrossFittare.

Ni kanske kan plocka upp mig på lördag?

Richard said...

Pllleeeease : )

Mads Jacobsen said...

Richard- självklart plockar vi upp dig!