Friday, January 8, 2010

Two workouts..

I am sorry to have to rapport that I was so tied up with work yesterday that I did not hav etime to write on my blog, so threrefore it will contain two WoD's today! I did not however do them on the same day- these are consequetive days! Sorry about that!

Training jan 06 2010

7 sets;
1 strict chin up
2 L Pull ups
3 butterfly kip chin ups
4 chin break vertical chin ups
5 chest to bar chin ups
rest 2 minutes
For total time;
AMSAP L-Sit - 3 attempts; 60 sec b/t attempts
For total reps;
30 sec high speed double unders, 30 sec rest x 10

post notes for chin up work, total time for L sits and total reps for DU's to comments
skill and perfection of movement, not time is paramount on chin up work
L sit is knees COMPLETELY straight for entire movement, and ankles above hips

All I have to say about this workout, is that it went really well, until it was time to do the double unders! I absolutely suck at double unders, and the 30 sec of "fast double unders" was more like punishing myself with a steel core rope! While Jenny was setting some kind of world record next to me- which only added to the fury! Double unders are the bane of CrossFit!
With that said moving on:-)

Training: jan 07 2010
A1. HSPU @ 2010 - amrap (-1) x 3 sets; rest 60 sec
A2. Semi Stiff Legged DL @ 4011; 6-8 x 3; rest 60 sec
B1. Ring Push Ups @ 2010 - amrap (-1) x 3 sets; rest 45 sec
B2. KBS - 15 unbroken x 3; rest 45 sec
C1. Dips @ 2010 - amrap (-1) x 3 sets; rest 30 sec
C2. GHD Raises @ 2010; 15 x 3; rest 30 sec

post loads, notes and reps to comments
amrap (-1) means you attempt a max rep set but stop approximately 1 rep short of failure on speed
swings to just inches above forehead

This workout went really well- I actually felt really strong, and managed to get through it and feeling pretty good about myself, which is more than I could have hoped for before I began!
I did the GHD raises on some sort of contraption that I built in the gym! I bet real GHD raises hurt a lot mote than mine did, but I doubt that I could have done real GHD raises today??

This leads me to todays question: What is the strangest contraption you have ever used to substitute an exercise?

Looking forward to seeing what OPT has in store for us this weekend?

Much love


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