Let me just begin by admitting that this entry is not about training! I'll get back to you with today training tomorrow, just as I always do:-)
I just thought I'd share a picture from when Sweden was a bit warmer! I just had to remember what it felt like:-)
Last night I had the "pleassure" of working as a bouncer, smack in the middle of Stockholm, at a very nice restaurant/bar! I do this every once in a while, and more often than I would like to. But the collegues are fantastic, and we have an absolute blast! Besides this the place is not the kind of place that really needs us to be bouncers! We are more like a bunch of older farts standing around drinking coffee really- fantastic arrangement! I do the coffee part very well by now!
However last night the cold weather had Stockholm by the balls, and sometime during the night the temperature actually dropped to below -20!! Yepp you read that right! Some super cheerful chap came up with his Iphone and showed us on the screen that the temp was -20? "are'nt you guys cold??" NASA really have to stop letting their scientists into general population!
The thing that stunned me the most though was that even though it was -20 there were still bunches of girls/women walking around with what is essentially just high heeled sandels" a pair of heels and a couple of straps! No socks, no outer layer! No nothing, just straps!! How is it possible to walk around in something like that when it is this cold? It's not like it takes half an hour for the cold weather to embrace your feet, and let them know that it is cold as hell, and you discover that you are half a mile from your house, and it is too late to turn back to get some decent footwear! Trust me when I say that stepping outside in virtually bare feet in temperatures like that is painful immidiately! What kind of friends do you have that let you out in wheather like that without shoes? Let's all try to solve this! What? How? Please submit your thoughts!
Tonight is supposed to be even colder, and for reason I no longer remember I am actually working again tonight again- what will they wear as it gets colder? Bare feet??
Just a thought!
Much love
Äh, ni stockholmare är mesiga bara. Här i Norrland är vi vana vid sånt därna väder.
I Norrland har man täckbyxor och skoter. I Stockholm sandaler och tunnelbana. Gör som ryssarna och stå på en tjock matta när du är ute i kylan, skyddar fötterna...eller så kan ni rulla ut en tjock matta till de där stackars tjejerna...
Martin- Norrland?? Undrar vad de tycker om den i Östersund:-)Men att du är tuff som få är det ingen tvivel om:-)
Bear- Man skulle kunna tillägga att man i norrland har fattat att kylan är kall, och inte värd att släss mot! I stockholm, verkar inte alla ha gjort den upptäckten än:-) Tji fick de! Funderar faktiskt på att se om jag hittar en matta!
De kanske kör efter det välkända mottot "förmågan att lida måste öka" ?:)
Öka det måste!
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