Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Substitutions and some rest!

Back on my feet and back in the routines of everyday life, it is time to once again share some experiences from the last couple of days with you.

Sometimes things don't really go the way you plan them, and every once in a while the factors that throw off your training are so far beynd your control that you just have to buckle in and start making substitutions.. That is what happened to me the day before yesterday when the plan was to do back squats and ring dips- but once I got into the gym, some trainer had gotten into a barbell medley, that occupied more or less all the barbells in the gym, with no apparent opening for me to work out in the horizon!
What to do now?
So I decided that I had to throw in the towel, and come up with another WoD- so I came up with the following:

5 100cm box jumps
5 Ring Dips
5 Push Ups
10 rounds for time: 11:30 min

This was a lot harder than I had thought it would be! The box jumps took their toll, and ring dips are always a struggle- so I was actually pretty happy with the time! I may be able to get to 11 min, but as it was I don't think I could have gone any faster. The thing about the box jumps is that you have to leap from a complete stand still for the reps to count, and you dont want to land on that edge:-) So, for now it was an ok time I guess, but I will get back to this WoD later, and kick some ass!

Yesterday was my rest day, so I just took it easy, and spent some time getting into a discussion about how legit a push up that did'nt go from completely extended arms to sternum to the ground, was! I should have known bettter, but when someone says that they do CrossFit and then proceedes to do something that looks more like a spastic contraction of the pecs and triceps and counting every spasm as a rep (out loud) - I just feel that I have to raise the question?
The person in question continued to claim that the chest had hit the ground on every single rep, even if anyone with average sight could tell that the chest was nowhere near the ground! ww never got to any kind of common ground on the matter!

This brings the question up on a bigger stage- what is it with people who can't be honest with themselves in their workouts? Do they lie to themselves on other subjects as well? Here are couple of instances where I imagine the same beghavior they so blatently expose in the CrossFit regimen would cause some problems:

-"Honey we are home"- the guy says and parks the car 5k away from home!

-" I am the new World Champion on the 100m sprint"- the guy says and stops runing after 80m?

-" Alright nurses, my work here is done, patch the man up". The doctor says and leaves the patient with his intestants still hanging out!

-" Your car is ready to drive"- the mechanic says and hands over the key to the car with no brakes!

You should be laughing by now, but they are examples of the exact same behavior, of only doing half the job, but not realizing it, or wanting to admit it... Have you encountered this? Please share..

Well, today is Cindy, and I have no clue how it will go, so I guess the only thing to do is to hit it hard and see how far that will take me, wish me luck!

Until next time

Much love


Bear said...


Martin Altemark said...

Dude, 100cm boxjumps in a metcon, that's just crazy. Good F-in job!

Pushups is probably the absolute worst executed movement there is out there. However I see myself (unconsciously) cheat on them sometimes as well... Strange how it can FEEL like I do them properly, but when I watch a video of me doing them there's no way the ROM is perfect at all... This usually can happen deep into metcons for me.

Anonymous said...

Om du missar ett par stycken här och där som konsekvens av hög intensitet, så är det sånt som händer- har svårt att tänka mig att du skulle fuska medvetet, det känns ganska enkelt inte som din grej!
En konsekvent forkortat ROM däremot, kombinerat med en offörmåga att inse att man inte har kommit i mål, det har jag svårt att greppa!


Martin Altemark said...

Nä, jag ju hajjar vad du menar. Och precis som du gissar så fuskar jag aldrig medvetet, men min hjärna försöker lura mig ibland. Det ser jag dock på film efter och blir irriterad och försöker rätta till det nästa gång.

En del verkar dock ha nån form av blockering mot ödmjukhet och bara slå ifrån sig tankar på att dom nånsin skulle kunna göra fel. Det är ju fullständigt idiotiskt.

Men, jag tror inte man ska bli så upprörd heller - jämför dig inte med folk innan du har sett dom utföra rörelser, och förakta dom med skygglappar i det tysta. Enkla crossfitregler :-)