Friday, August 21, 2009

Get some help!

I bet you are all sitting at home now wondering what kind of crazy rant is about to follow that heading? Who has managged to piss of the crazy dane, and what is he going to do about it?
The truth however, is a bit more subtle than that today.

What I am getting at with the heading is that, every once in a while we all need some help if we wnat to evolve as athletes, or as trainers!
I often meet people who work as trainers, but they don't have a trainer themselves. They don't have anyone who looks at their workouts and gives them feedback. They don't have a collegue look at them while they are working with their clients- and then afterwards share the debrief their effort with them! This is really a shame, because it really does make a difference- not only do you become a better athlete when your work ethic and your technique is constantly evaluated/scrutinized, you also become a better trainer when the same tools are applied to your teaching skills!
A bunch of years ago I worked as a trainer at Sturebadet, and all the trainers there were really good at keeping each other in check, and letting one another know if something was not up to par, or if there was any room for improvement! The fact that we did this made us all (most of us) better trainers, and our clients benefitted heavily from this- as did we!
Since I stopped working there noone has really done any evaluation of me as a trainer on a day to day basis, and I never realized how much I missed it until I began working the certs!
On the certs we get continous feedback from the other head trainers, and we get a debrief after the certs from the flowmaster- and I just absolutely love it! It is the only way I can ever evole beyond my own limitations, and to get imput from these people really is a blessing..

So my challenge to you is to sit down and come up with a at least person, whom you would like to have evaluate you, as a trainer/athlete. Then set up an appointment with that person to do just that- make sure it actually happens! Doing so on a regular basis will work miracles for your game!

Needless to say I have also worked out- so yesterday I did:

5 Shoulderpress
10 Push press
15 Push jerk
weight 42,5 kg- 5 rounds for time- 18:43

All I have to say about this one is- that is sucked exactly the way Pat Sherwood said it would!

That is is for now, so until tomorrow

Much love


Bear said...

Ja, jag längtar tillbaka till Uppsala så att man kan få gulla med Martin igen. Båthusgym i all ära men man är där endast i sällskap av det böljande havet!

Martin Altemark said...

Hoho, gulligull! Gay moment! :-)

Valerie said...

Bonjour from Belgium !!
Thought of you today... so I looked up for you on the web. Did some catch up reading your blog. Lots of good news !! I'm a bit sad to hear you were in Belgium and did not even call to say hi...
I just want to wish you a wonderful day and hope this little note finds you well.
Take care.
Lots of love,